Mereka memiliki tubuh yang gemuk dan besar, berleher besar, lengan yang panjang dan kuat, kaki yang pendek dan tertunduk, dan tidak mempunyai ekor.[6]
Orangutan memiliki tinggi sekitar 1.25-1.5 meter.[7]
Tubuh orangutan diselimuti rambut merah kecoklatan.[3] Mereka mempunyai kepala yang besar dengan posisi mulut yang tinggi.[6] Saat mencapai tingkat kematangan seksual, orangutan jantan memiliki pelipis yang gemuk pada kedua sisi, ubun-ubun yang besar, rambut menjadi panjang dan tumbuh janggut disekitar wajah.[8] Mereka mempunyai indera yang sama seperti manusia, yaitu pendengaran, penglihatan, penciuman, pengecap, dan peraba.[6]
Berat orangutan jantan sekitar 50-90 kg, sedangkan orangutan betina beratnya sekitar 30-50 kg.[7]
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Telapak tangan mereka mempunyai 4 jari-jari panjang ditambah 1 ibu jari.[6] Telapak kaki mereka juga memiliki susunan jari-jemari yang sangat mirip dengan manusia.[6]
Orangutan masih termasuk dalam spesies kera besar seperti gorila dan simpanse.[4] Golongan kera besar masuk dalam klasifikasimammalia, memiliki ukuran otak yang besar, mata yang mengarah kedepan, dan tangan yang dapat melakukan genggaman.[4]
Flowering plants are heterosporous, producing two types of spores. Microspores are produced by meiosis inside anthers while megaspores are produced inside ovules, inside an ovary. In fact, anthers typically consist of four microsporangia and an ovule is an integumented megasporangium. Both types of spores develop into gametophytes inside sporangia. As with all heterosporous plants, the gametophytes also develop inside the spores (are endosporic).
A flower is a modified stem tip with compressed internodes, bearing structures that are highly modified leaves.[1] In essence, a flower develops on a modified shoot or axis from a determinate apical meristem (determinate meaning the axis grows to a set size).
Flowers may be directly attached to the plant at their base (sessile--the supporting stalk or stem is highly reduced or absent). The stem or stalk subtending a flower is called a peduncle. If a peduncle supports more than one flower, the stems connecting each flower to the main axis are called pedicels. The apex of a flowering stem forms a terminal swelling which is called the torus or receptacle. The parts of a flower are arranged in whorls on the receptacle. The four main whorls (starting from the base of the flower or lowest node and working upwards) are as follows:
An example of a "perfect flower", this Crateva religiosa flower has both stamens (outer ring) and a pistil (center).
* Calyx: the outermost whorl consisting of units calledsepals; these are typically green and enclose the rest of the flower in the bud stage, however, they can be absent or prominent and petal-like in some species. * Corolla: the next whorl toward the apex, composed of units called petals, which are typically thin, soft and colored to attract animals that help the process of pollination. * Androecium (from Greek andros oikia: man's house): the next whorl (sometimes multiplied into several whorls), consisting of units called stamens. Stamens consist of two parts: a stalk called a filament, topped by an anther where pollen is produced by meiosis and eventually dispersed.
* Gynoecium (from Greek gynaikos oikia: woman's house): the innermost whorl of a flower, consisting of one or more units called carpels. The carpel or multiple fused carpels form a hollow structure called an ovary, which produces ovules internally. Ovules are megasporangia and they in turn produce megaspores by meiosis which develop into female gametophytes. These give rise to egg cells. The gynoecium of a flower is also described using an alternative terminology wherein the structure one sees in the innermost whorl (consisting of an ovary, style and stigma) is called a pistil. A pistil may consist of a single carpel or a number of carpels fused together. The sticky tip of the pistil, the stigma, is the receptor of pollen. The supportive stalk, the style, becomes the pathway for pollen tubes to grow from pollen grains adhering to the stigma.
Although the arrangement described above is considered "typical", plant species show a wide variation in floral structure. These modifications have significance in the evolution of flowering plants and are used extensively by botanists to establish relationships among plant species.
In the majority of species, individual flowers have both functional carpels and stamens. These flowers are described by botanists as being perfect or bisexual. Some flowers lack one or the other reproductive organ and called imperfect or unisexual If unisex flowers are found on the same individual plant but in different locations, the species is said to be monoecious. If each type of unisex flower is found only on separate individuals, the plant is dioecious.
Additional discussions on floral modifications from the basic plan are presented in the articles on each of the basic parts of the flower. In those species that have more than one flower on an axis, the collection of flowers is termed an inflorescence. Some inflorescences are composed of many small flowers arranged in a formation that resembles a single flower. The common example of this is most members of the very large composite (Asteraceae) group. A single daisy or sunflower, for example, is not a flower but a flower head—an inflorescence composed of numerous flowers (or florets).
Many flowers have a symmetry, if the perianth is bisected through the central axis from any point, symmetrical halves are produced—the flower is called regular or actinomorphic, e.g. rose or trillium. When flowers are bisected and produce only one line that produces symmetrical halves the flower is said to be irregular or zygomorphic. e.g. snapdragon or most orchids.
Christmas Lillium (Lilium longiflorum). 1. Stigma, 2. Style, 3. Stamens, 4. Filament, 5. Petal
The transition to flowering is one of the major phase changes that a plant makes during its life cycle. The transition must take place at a time that is favorable for fertilization and the formation of seeds, hence ensuring maximal reproductive success. To meet these needs a plant is able to interpret important endogenous and environmental cues such as changes in levels of plant hormones and seasonable temperature and photoperiod changes.[2] Many perennial and most biennial plants require vernalization to flower. The molecular interpretation of these signals is through the transmission of a complex signal known as florigen, which involves a variety of genes, including CONSTANS, FLOWERING LOCUS C and FLOWERING LOCUS T. Florigen is produced in the leaves in reproductively favorable conditions and acts in buds and growing tips to induce a number of different physiological and morphological changes.[3] The first step is the transformation of the vegetative stem primordia into floral primordia. This occurs as biochemical changes take place to change cellular differentiation of leaf, bud and stem tissues into tissue that will grow into the reproductive organs. Growth of the central part of the stem tip stops or flattens out and the sides develop protuberances in a whorled or spiral fashion around the outside of the stem end. These protuberances develop into the sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels. Once this process begins, in most plants, it cannot be reversed and the stems develop flowers, even if the initial start of the flower formation event was dependent of some environmental cue.[4] Once the process begins, even if that cue is removed the stem will continue to develop a flower.
Flowering transition
The transition to flowering is one of the major phase changes that a plant makes during its life cycle. The transition must take place at a time that is favorable for fertilization and the formation of seeds, hence ensuring maximal reproductive success. To meet these needs a plant is able to interpret important endogenous and environmental cues such as changes in levels of plant hormones and seasonable temperature and photoperiod changes.[2] Many perennial and most biennial plants require vernalization to flower. The molecular interpretation of these signals is through the transmission of a complex signal known as florigen, which involves a variety of genes, including CONSTANS, FLOWERING LOCUS C and FLOWERING LOCUS T. Florigen is produced in the leaves in reproductively favorable conditions and acts in buds and growing tips to induce a number of different physiological and morphological changes.[3] The first step is the transformation of the vegetative stem primordia into floral primordia. This occurs as biochemical changes take place to change cellular differentiation of leaf, bud and stem tissues into tissue that will grow into the reproductive organs. Growth of the central part of the stem tip stops or flattens out and the sides develop protuberances in a whorled or spiral fashion around the outside of the stem end. These protuberances develop into the sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels. Once this process begins, in most plants, it cannot be reversed and the stems develop flowers, even if the initial start of the flower formation event was dependent of some environmental cue.[4] Once the process begins, even if that cue is removed the stem will continue to develop a flower.
A poster with twelve species of flowers or clusters of flowers of different families
A flower, sometimes known as a bloom or blossom, is the reproductive structure found in flowering plants (plants of the division Magnoliophyta, also called angiosperms). The biological function of a flower is to effect reproduction, usually by providing a mechanism for the union of sperm with eggs. Flowers may facilitate outcrossing (fusion of sperm and eggs from different individuals in a population) or allow selfing (fusion of sperm and egg from the same flower). Some flowers produce diaspores without fertilization (parthenocarpy). Flowers contain sporangia and are the site where gametophytes develop. Flowers give rise to fruit and seeds. Many flowers have evolved to be attractive to animals, so as to cause them to be vectors for the transfer of pollen.
In addition to facilitating the reproduction of flowering plants, flowers have long been admired and used by humans to beautify their environment but also as objects of romance, ritual, religion, medicine and as a source of food.
Beberapailmuwan di Kolombia telah menemukan fosil monster prasejarah yang diduga sebagai ular terbesar di dunia yang pernah hidup di bumi. Ular yang diberi nama Titanoboa cerrejonensis itu diperkirakan memiliki berat lebih dari 1 ton dan panjang hingga hampir 14 meter.
Beberapa ilmuwan yakin ular ini hidup di bumi sekitar 58 juta hingga 60 juta tahun lalu. Ahli geologi, David Polly, yang memperkirakan ukuran dan bobot Titanoboa berdasarkan posisi fosilnya.
"Ukuran ular itu sungguh besar sekali. Namun, tim peneliti masih memikirkan seberapa besar panas bumi dibutuhkan untuk menghangatkan tubuh ular sebesar itu."
Fosil Titanoboa ditemukan oleh tim ilmuwan internasional di sebuah tambang batu bara di wilayah tropis Cerrejon, Kolombia. "Ular yang sangat besar ini benar-benar mengundang imajinasi, tetapi fakta yang ada telah melampaui fantasi yang ada di Hollywood sekalipun," kata ahli paleontologi, Jonathan Bloch, yang juga terlibat dalam ekspedisi.
"Ular yang mencoba mencaplok Jennifer Lopez di filmAnacondatidak sebesar ular yang kami temukan," kata Bloch. Berdasarkan ukuran ular itu, Bloch menjelaskan, tim ilmuwan dapat menghitung temperatur tahunan rata-rata di garis khatulistiwa Amerika Selatan 60 juta tahun lalu mencapai sekitar 33 derajat celcius, sekitar 10 derajat lebih hangat dibandingkan saat ini.
"Ekosistem tropis Amerika Latin saat ini berbeda jauh dibandingkan 60 juta tahun lalu," kata Bloch. "Kondisi hutan tropisnya hampir sama dengan saat ini, tetapi temperaturnya lebih panas saat itu dan dipenuhi dengan reptil berdarah dingin yang lebih besar."
Menurut, ular adalah jenis hewanpoikilotherms(berdarah dingin) yang memerlukan panas dari lingkungan mereka merayap untuk membangkitkan metabolisme. Oleh karena itu, ilmuwan memperkirakan ular raksasa itu hidup di ekosistem tropis Amerika Selatan dengan temperatur yang saat itu tidak berada di bawah 30 hingga 34 derajat celcius.
Sebagian besar populasi ular saat ini terdapat di wilayah tropis Amerika Selatan dan Asia Tenggara. Temperatur di Amerika Selatan dan Asia tenggara memungkinkan hewan ini berkembang hingga mencapai ukuran besar.
Ketinggian 25-300 m dpl, suhu 25-310 C, kelembaban udara 75-80 %, intensitas penyinaran 50% - 80%, 3-4 bulan kering, curah hujan 800 mm/tahun dan pH tanah 6-7. Tipe tanah : liat dan liat berpasir (alluvial dan grumosol).
1. Bersihkan lahan, cangkul/bajak sampai gembur.
2. Pengapuran pada tanah masam dosis 5 ton/ ha.
3. Buat saluran pemasukan dan pembuangan air irigasi
4. Buat lubang tanam 60x60x50 cm / 75x75x70 cm, jarak tanam 3 x 3 m / 5 x 4 m, keringanginkan + 2-4 minggu, isikan tanah lapisan bawah ke dasar lubang.
5. Campurkan tanah lapisan atas : pupuk kandang ( + 20-40) : pasir perbandingan 1:1:2 serta Natural GLIO + 5-10 gram/lubang dan isikan ke lubang bagian atas.
Bibit siap tanam umur 1,5 - 2 bulan, perakarannya 5-10 cm, tumbuh sehat, bertunas dua. Kebutuhan bibit jarak tanam 3 x 3 cm sebanyak 890 batang/ha, jarak tanam 5 x 4 cm sebanyak 500 batang/ha. Sebulan sebelum tanam, bibit anggur terpilih diadaptasikan di sekitar lahan
Waktu tanam di akhir musim hujan (April-Juni). Siram bibit dng POC NASA (1-2 ttp/10 lt air) + 1 minggu sebelum tanam. Beri naungan sementara. Semprot POC NASA 1-2 ttp/tangki/10 hari hingga usia + 3 bulan setelah tanam.
Pengairan tanaman muda 1-2 kali sehari dan dewasa 3 hari sekali. Tiga minggu sebelum dipangkas, pengairan dihentikan dan 2-3 hari setelah pemangkasan air diberikan kembali. Pengairan setelah pemupukan dan dihentikan menjelang pemetikan buah.
Lahan dijaga kebersihannya dari gulma dan penggemburan tanah (Pendangiran) dilakukan sebulan sekali agar bidang oleh tetap bersih dan gembur.
Pemupukan disebar dan dicampur merata tanah secara melingkar sejauh 25 cm dari batang lalu ditutup dan diairi atau dengan cara pengocoran pupuk
Pemupukan berdasarkan umur tanaman, yaitu :
a. Tanaman Muda sampai umur 6 bulan (per pohon)
Dalam hal berkebun, memilih bibit tanaman adalah hal pertama yang sangat penting. Sebelum menanambunga mawar, sebaiknya Anda benar-benar memilih bibit yang bagus dan cocok seperti yang Anda inginkan.
Bunga mawar terdapat beberapa jenis, ada yang merambat, berbunga besar, kecil, dan lain-lain. Pilihlah sesuai dengan keinginan Anda.Bibit bunga mawar pun ada beberapa macam, ada dari biji, tangkai hasil stek, ataupunbibityang sudah berupa tanaman mawar di polybag.
Bila Anda baru memulaibudidayabunga mawar, sebaiknya pilih yang sudah menjadi tanaman dalam polybag agar lebih mudah perawatannya.
Persiapan lahan
Untuk budidaya bunga mawar, siapkanlahanatau tanah di dalam pot dengan kualitas bagus. Campur tanah gembur dengan kompos/pupuk kandang, lalu tambahkan sekam sebagai penampung atau pengikat air dalam tanah.
Bungamawartermasuk tanaman yang tidak bisa tumbuh baik bila terkena sinar matahari langsung. Karena itu, lahan atau pot yang akan digunakan sebaiknya berada di tempat yang sejuk.
Cara menanam bunga mawar
Bila Anda menanam dalam pot, Anda tinggal menanam bibit bunga mawar ke dalamtanahyang ada di pot. Namun bila Anda menanam langsung di atas lahan, ada beberapa aturan yang harus Anda ikuti.
Bilamenanambanyak mawar, beri jarak antara mawar satu dengan mawar yang lain. Jarak ini pun tergantung dari jenis bunga mawar itu sendiri. Jika Anda ingin menanam bunga mawar potong, beri jarak sekitar 50 cm. Untuk mawar merambat, beri jarak sekitar 1-2 meter.
Setelah ditanam, tanah di sekitartanamanbunga mawar harus disiram setiap hari, ini untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air pada bunga mawar. Anda harus ingat bahwa jangan sampai Anda menyiram tanamannya saat bunga mawar masih baru ditanam, tapi hanya tanah saja yang disiram.
Perawatan bunga mawar
Budidaya bunga mawar tentu memilikiperawatankhusus yang harus diperhatikan. Sama seperti halnya manusia, bunga mawar membutuhkan asupan air dan nutrisi. Lakukan penyiraman secara rutin di pagi atau sore hari, dan beri pupuk organik maupun anorganik seperti NPK.
Gemburkan tanah sesekali agar tanah tidak terlalu padat. Tanah yang padat bisa mengurangi peresapan air maupun zat pupuk yang dibutuhkan oleh bunga mawar. Bersihkan pularumputatau gulma yang mengganggu di sekitar tanaman.
Jangan lupa untuk memangkas beberapa dahan bunga mawar yang sudah kering maupunbungayang telah layu. Hal ini untuk membuat bunga mawar bisa rajin berbunga.